Make good game was very difficult. So, I will introduce my game idea and other stuffs and communicate others who make games. Thank you for visiting us.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
How to support Game Center
To summarize, enabling Game Center for your app requires the following steps:
1. Create a new app in iTunes Connect:
a. Specify a Bundle ID for the new app.
b. Enable Game Center for this app.
2. Set up your initial leaderboards and achievements in iTunes Connect:
a. Note the leaderboard category IDs and achievement IDs. (Note that you will likely continue to edit and add leaderboards and achievements throughout the development of your game.)
3. Create or upgrade the Xcode project:
a. Make sure to use at least cocos2d v0.99.5.
4. Edit Info.plist:
a. Enter the app’s Bundle ID in the Bundle identifier field.
b. Optionally require Game Kit by adding a Boolean value labeled gamekit to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities list.
5. Add the necessary Game Kit references:
a. Add the GameKit.framework linked library to each target. Change its Type setting from Required to Weak if Game Kit support is optional.
b. Add #import
How to Market and Promote your Games and Apps
Pre-Development Phase: The 4 W’s and 1 H!
Before you write even one line of code, there are five questions you should ask yourself about your idea – the Who, What, Why, When, and How – 4 W’s and 1 H!
- Who Will Use My App?
- What Is My Competition?
- Why Will My Product Be Unique?
- When Will I Get it Done?
- How Will People Interact with My App?
If you’ve already finished your app and want to jump straight to the development phase, you might want to skip this section and scroll down to the “Development” section.
Pre-Development Phase Conclusion
So in conclusion, it’s worth the time to vet your idea up front and come up with a good design for your product before proceeding with development:
- Ask yourself Who to find your target audience
- Ask yourself What to analyze your competition
- Ask yourself Why to make sure your app has a “Mariachi moment”
- Ask yourself When you’ll be able to get your app finished
- Ask yourself How your app will look and work from a user’s perspective
And that’s it for the pre-development section. Next let’s move on to discussing the development phase! :]
Development Phase Conclusion
So there you have it, six things to consider doing while you’re still in the development phase:
- Generating Buzz Early
- Creating a Teaser Trailer
- Releasing an App Preview
- Integrating Analytics APIs
- Integrating Push Notifications and/or a News Feed
- Adding High-Value Features
It’s worth mentioning that none of this is an obligation nor does it guarantee instant success. You should take the best of each item suggested and apply it to your app only when appropriate.
Also, there are no hard and fast rules in marketing or app development, so don’t be afraid to experiment and to think outside the box from time to time. Being spontaneous can greatly improve your app!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
how to capture iPhone screen with video
2. On the simulation from the desktop, use ScreenFlow application for capture video and audio. ScreenFlow is introduced below. I think very useful tool for capturing screen video.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
New cute character piggy is now awaits you. Our piggy always want to jump to the sky. Dropping object always hate our piggy. But our piggy loves to eat some object like apples or cucumber. So, let's jump with our piggy. Our piggy eat apples and he can jump to the top of the object. Jumping skill expense one apples. If no apples exist, then our piggy is dead. So, Be careful if just one apple exist.
- Cute character and Object
- Addictive game play with great sound
- Intuitive swipe and touch controls
- Support HD graphic
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch. Require iOS4.0 or later.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Remarkable iPhone games video
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
List of demo project about cocos2d
No. | Blog Link | Language | Brief Introduction | Featured Stuffs |
1 | Ray Wenderlich | Tutorials for iOS | en | Best place to learn ios develop and acquire latest develop news, lots of detailed tutorials for the cocos2d starters. | 1.How To Integrate Cocos2D and UIKit 2.How To Implement A* Pathfinding with Cocos2D 3.How To Create a HUD Layer with Cocos2D |
2 | SuperSuRaccoon's World | en, zh, ja | Simple demo, know-how and tutorials for cocos2d starters. (The site your visiting right now :) ) | 1.A simple guide to cocos2d-extension 2.How to port a simple project to win32,iPhone and Android 3.cocos2d-x IDE installation and setup under mac os |
3 | Learn & Master Cocos2D Game Development | en | Home of the Learn iPhone and iPad Cocos2D Game Development Book by Steffen Itterheim | 1.How to Download Modified Files from a Web Server 2.Fast Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection for Cocos2D 3.How to use CCRenderTexture for Motion Blur |
4 | XPerienced Blog | en | iPhone development from .NET developer perspective | 1.cocos2d meets MVC – wrap up 2.cocos2d meets MVC – Implementing simple board game |
5 | Tony Ngo | A blog on software development | en | A blog on software development | 1.CCMenu Grid Layout 2.Scrolling CCNode in Cocos2d 3.Twitter Integration Tutorial |
6 | Uchidacoonga | en | Some nice tutorials on cocos2d&&Box2d | 1.Box2d Collision Filtering Demystified 2.Simple Platformer Using Cocos2d and Box2d with Collision Detection 3.Side Scrolling the Background in Box2D and Cocos2D |
7 | ios Developer Tips Blog | en | iOS Developer Tips, Tricks and Tutorials.(Lots of ios open source project introduction) | 1.Xcode 4 : Debug Breakpoints, Conditions and Actions 2.iOS Open Source : Custom Progress Indicator |
8 | Tutorials & Blogs on cocos2d | en | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.Creating Your First Cocos2D Game |
9 | Application for mobile devices | en | Some nice cocos2d demos and open source project | 1.Multiline CCLabel & CCLabelBMFont 2.Cocos2d Bezier Animation Helper |
10 | Under the Bridge | en | Some nice cocos2d learning resource summary :) | 1.cocos2d AI: Troll Boss 2.cocos2d Collection 3.cocos2d A-Go-Go |
11 | MobileOrchard | en | ios news&&tutorials&&resources | 1.Video Tutorial : Creating iPhone App Design Templates 2.Updated Cocos2d With iPad Support |
12 | Boris cosic's Ramblins | en | cocos2d + lua tutorials | 1.iPhone - Cocos2D + Lua |
13 | Dave Newman | en | Another site with some cocos2d + lua tutorials | 1.Write your cocos2d game in Lua! 2.From LUA to JSON |
14 | iPhone Development Tutorial&&Tips | en | iPhone, iOS, iPad SDK Development Tutorial and Programming Tips | 1.Open Source iOS Game List – Source Code To Games In The App Store 2.Example Source Code: Frogger Recreated With Cocos2D, Sparrow, Starling And LibGDX |
15 | GRZ Mobile - Blog | en | iPhone Applications from GRZ Software LLC | 1.Remote Debugging for Lua on the iPhone 2.Integrating Lua into an iPhone App |
16 | PocketWorx | en | Technologies related to mobile communications with an emphasis on iPhone/iPod Touch applications using the Cocos2D-iPhone framework. | 1.AdMob and Cocos2D-iPhone 2.Looping Menu Effect in Cocos2D 3.OpenFeint and Cocos2D-iPhone |
17 | PaulsonApps Development Blog | en | Creating Iphone Game with Cocos2d | 1.Tutorial – Implement OpenFeint into Cocos2d Game 2.Parallax Backgrounds & Enemies (Cocos2d Game) |
18 | iDevBlogADay | en | iOS indie developers writing every day about their stuff. | 1.Cocos2D/Box2D Endless Platformer 2.Using Cocos2D in a UIKit project |
19 | jpsarda's longer tweets | en | Some nice cocos2d open source project can be found in this blog | 1.New Cocos2d-iPhone extensions, a progress bar, and a hole 2.Scale9Grid for Cocos2D |
20 | Playsnack | en | Some nice tutorials on cocos2d | 1.Cocos2d tutorial: Creating a reusable pause layer 2.Adding a night effect to your game in Cocos2d |
21 | abitofcode | en | Some nice tutorials and open source project on cocos2d | 1.We’ve open sourced the Sketchshare colour picker 2.Simple interactive depth of field effect |
22 | | en | Lots of cocos2d-x tutorials some of them are the cocos2d-x version of Ray's cocos2d tutorials | 1.Creating an iPhone and Android Cocos2D-x hybrid project 2.How To Create A Breakout Game with Box2D and Cocos2D-x |
23 | LAB | ja | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.cocos2dでTemplate Methodパターンで拡張して使う簡単ボタンクラスCCSpriteBtnクラスを作りました。 2.FacebookのOAuth認証のライブラリ「Facebook Connect」をcocos2dで使用する方法(サンプル付き) |
24 | Zero4Racer PRO Developer's Blog | ja | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.サクッと Cocos2D ゲームを作ろう!(1)SpriteHelperでのテクスチャー処理 2.Cocos2d ユーザの面倒だったところに手が届く、Kobold2d の親切設計 3.cocos2d と AdMob 連携のサンプル作りました |
25 | shukujitsuの開発ブログ | ja | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.cocos2d for iPhone系の話題いろいろ 2.cocos2dで最小のゲームを作る |
26 | リンゴにかじられたブログ | ja | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.cocos2dのEAGLViewを透明化して、背景をカメラにする方法 2.cocos2dで簡単なゲーム作っていくよ |
27 | 間違いだらけの iPhone 開発備忘録 | ja | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.iTunesなどのリンク(URL)を開く。ついでにcocos2dでのやり方。 2.cocos2dでパーティクルを表示する方法 3.cocos2dでAdMobを実装する |
28 | Yokemuraの開発ブログ | ja | Introduction to cocos2d and some nice tutorials | 1.Cocos2d解説(6) テクスチャアトラス作成ツールとの連携 2.Cocos2d解説(3) アクション |
29 | BOREAL-KISS.NET | en, ja | Technical topics about Cocoa and Cocoa touch. | 1.Minimal Template updated for iOS 5 with storyboards |
30 | ios | | en | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.Cocos2d Tiledを使ってみる 2.cocos2d チュートリアル [メニュ][スライダー][SimpleAudioEngine][シーンの移動] |
31 | 子龙山人 | zh | Cocos2d tutorials from ray's articles in Chinese version | 1.iOS 5中的UIKit粒子系统教程(泰然翻译组出品) 2.(译)使用cocos2d和box2d制作简单的platformer游戏 3.(译)如何使用cocos2d制作一个塔防游戏 |
32 | 李华明Himi | zh | A lot of cocos2d-x cool tutorials for the starters | 1.详解iOS应用程序内使用IAP/StoreKit 2.游戏数据存储的四种常用方式 3.CCSpeed实现CCAnimate动画进行时设置慢动作以及设置游戏加减速进行 |
33 | ganbarugames | en | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.cocos2d + Game Center Achievements 2.cocos2d Game Tutorial – Multitouch Asteroids |
34 | Britney's programming guide | en | A personal blog with a few cocos2d stuffs | 1.RPG Battle with Cocos2d 2.Saving with Cocos2d 3.Making it rain in Cocos2d |
35 | Crocodella | en | A personal blog with a few cocos2d tutorials and open source project | 1.Resizable decorated box using cocos2d 2.Positional audio with cocos2d and CocosDenshion 3.Leveraging cocos2d actions for cutscenes |
36 | Bob Ueland's cocos2d Tutorials | en | Lots of cocos2d video tutorials for the starters | 1.Advanced collision detection 2.The accelerometer 3.Sneaky Joystick |
37 | Tim Roadley | en | Some nice cocos2d+box2d tutorials can be found here | 1.Box2D Driven Cocos2D Animation 2.GameKit Networked Box2D Physics |
38 | iuridium | en | Some nice learning resource on cocos2d | 1.List of Open Source Cocos2d Projects, Extensions and Code Snippets 2.Top 10 People To Follow On Twitter If You Are Interested in Cocos2d 3.How to animate spots on Tilemap |
39 | ios Tips&&Tricks | en | ios developing related news and resource | 1.Wrapping Box2D Debug into a Cocos2D Layer 2.How to Integrate AdWhirl into a Cocos2D Game 3.Custom Dialog Boxes Using Cocos2d on iPhone |
40 | Indie Developers Blog | en | A personal blog with some nice cocos2d tutorials | 1.Goo Through Blind animations with CCRenderTexture 2.Ensuring Dealloc in Cocos2d 3.TileMaps and Retina Support |
41 | init 6 | en | A personal blog with some tutorials on cocos2d+Box2d | 1.Cocos2D/Box2D – Detecting top collisions 2.Cocos2D/Box2D Collision Filtering 3.ParticleDesigner Cocos2D |
42 | xionchannel@software | ja | A personal blog with some nice tutorials on cocos2d | 1.cocos2dキャラクタークラス設計の考察 2.cocos2dでオリジナルフォントクラスを作ろうぜ! 3.cocos2dでパレットっぽいことをしてみたい |
43 | Seasons.NET | ja | Provably most famous japanese cocos2d developer's blog with nice tutorials and news | 1.CCSendMessagesでもっと簡潔に直感的なコードを書こう 2.cocos2dパフォーマンスチューニングTips 3.cocos2dで非同期画像読み込みを超絶簡単に実装する]CCResourceAsyncLoaderの紹介 |
44 | Go Monkey | Italian | A personal blog with cocos2d tutorials and news in italian | 1.Cocos2D: Passiamo dal giorno alla notte 2.Cocos2D: come posizionare gli elementi sullo schermo |
List of Open Source Cocos2d Projects
Here is my list of cocos2d open source games and programming resources for various purposes in cocos2d development. I hope it will help you to speed up learning and developing your games using this fantastic framework as it helped me making iUridium. I will keep updating this list so stay tuned..
Last Update: 24.04.2012.
Cocos2d itself: LINK
List of open Source game projects on LINK
Fantastic list of cocos2d extensions collected by Stepan Generalov: LINK
Kobold2d – Great wrapper around cocos2d providing some very nice out of the box solutions, made by Steffen Itterheim: LINK
Fantastic list of open source demo projects by @SuperSuRaccoon: LINK
SneakyInput – cocos2d joystick implementation: LINK
ZJoystick – cocos2d joystick implementation: LINK
How to make underwater effect using cocos2d: LINK
CCBlade – Fruit Ninja Blade effect implementation in cocos2d: LINK
Bubsy open source and procedural landscape: LINK
iLabyrinth game source: LINK
Tiny Wings Hills game source: LINK
Card3d – object with 3D chart appearance: LINK
How to preload game resources in loading scene: LINK
CCAlertView extension: LINK
Scale9Grid – extension you may need for your pop-up dialogs: LINK
CCUIViewWrapper – wrapper for manipulating UIViews using cocos2D: LINK
CCMask extension: LINK
Simple platforme game using cocos2d and box2d with collision detection: LINK
Canabalt game source: LINK
Knight Fight game source: LINK
A* pathfinding algorithm: LINK
CocoParticle for helping creating Particles in cocos2d: LINK
Making a particle effect using a specific sequence of images such as a string of letters: LINK
CCBumber (simple splash logo animation) and CCResouceAsyncLoader (easy class to asynchronous load your resources) extensions: LINK
Nice extension for resizing a large image before it get’s into the Texture cache: LINK
PingPang multiplayer game source: LINK
Two very nice extensions (CCProgressBar, CCSpriteHole): LINK
HKTMXTiledMap extension for large animated tile maps: LINK
Very nice iPad colour picker: LINK
Box2D driven cocos2d animation simulating 3D ball rolling: LINK
Level selection scene source sample: LINK
Nice controls (NDControlGauge, NDControlButton, NDControlSlider): LINK
How to make glass breaking effect using cocos2d: LINK
How to make 2D soft shadows using pixel shaders: LINK
Snake – open source game: LINK
Nice code snippet for conversion of TMX polygon objects into box2d shapes for collision detection: LINK
Class for drawing a Verlet Rope using box2d: LINK
Very nice sample of creating flag effect for super hero cape: LINK
Very nice extension (CCControlExtension) providing Cocos2d Button, Slider and Color-picker: LINK
TommyBros game (2 player platformer) source:LINK
How to make deformable terrain effect:LINK
Awesome Progress Indicator HUD implementation:LINK
Nice particle system extension – ParticleSystemQuadMask:LINK
How to make water simulation for side-view games:LINK
Nice royalty-free music library by @MajesticMusic24: LINK
Nice example of flocking effect using cocos2d: LINK
Very Nice cocos2d extension – Modal Alerts: LINK
Nice cocos2d particle extension for supporting both fade in and out – CCParticleSystemQuadExtended: LINK
Appirater – in-app rate/review reminder: LINK
Nice extension for creating transparent spritesheets (RGBA) from two JPG files: LINK
Life saver if you are using GestureRecognizers with cocos2d: LINK
Source code of iPad game Colorous: LINK
Coloring Flood Fill algorithm: LINK
Coloring Flood Fill cocos2d extension: CCSpriteFloodFill – LINK
Custom Slider sample (BBSlider) with tutorial – LINK
FacebookScorer: extension for posting your game scores to Facebook Wall – LINK
CCParallaxScrollNode: extension for repeating background/infinite parallax effect in cocos2d – LINK
iCloudIndicator: extension for showing if game can be resumed via iCloud – LINK
Nice solution for loading sound from memory into cocos2d’s SimpleAudioEngine – LINK
CCAsyncRemoteSprite: nice extension for loading Sprite image from the internet – LINK
How to draw smooth lines using cocos2d – LINK
Monday, April 23, 2012
How to make cocos2d game
Step 1: Getting Cocos2D
Before you begin, you need to download and install a couple tools. The first is the Cocos2D game engine. You can obtain it from their website at
Once downloaded, you need to install their Xcode templates. This will make your life much easier in the future when you want to set up a project using Cocos2D. Here is their tutorial on how to do that. Don’t worry, this is really simple: just download the template tarball and then untar it in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates on your machine. The next time you open Xcode and create a new project, you should see a Templates category with several Cocos2D options.
Step 2: Texture Packer
Texture Packer is a fantastic tool that will take a set of textures, turn them into a single texture, and output a plist that tells Cocos2D how to use them. Having a single texture can save you quite a bit of disk space, load time, and complexity.
To get started, download Texture Packer from You can use the demo version for this tutorial but I strongly recommend purchasing this tool. It is well worth the money!
Importing Assets Into Texture Packer
Start by downloading the attachment for this tutorial. It contains both the standard and high definition versions of our images. Remember, the iPhone 3GS is free now, so there are still plenty of users not using retina display devices. Let’s not leave them out. ;)
Being that we have 2 separate versions of our images, you will need to perform this process twice. Simply drag all of the images in the HD folder except title-hd.png
and game-over-hd.png
into Texture Packer. It will be clear later why we are not including these two images.
Exporting Assets Out Of Texture Packer
Texture Packer will automatically lay out the images for you and create a single image that is as small as it can possibly be. Note that Cocos2D requires all image dimensions to be supplied in powers of 2.
Now that the images have been laid out, click the Publish button at the top. Name the output background-hd
. Make sure to clear the images from Texture Packer and repeat this process for all of the standard definition images in the sd folder and name their output background.
You should now see a total of 4 files: background-hd.png
, background-hd.plist
, background.png
, and background.plist
#import "GameLayer.h" @implementation GameLayer @synthesize spritesBatchNode = _spritesBatchNode; +(CCScene *) scene { CCScene *scene = [CCScene node]; GameLayer *layer = [GameLayer node]; [scene addChild: layer]; return scene; } -(void) dealloc { [_spritesBatchNode release]; [super dealloc]; } -(id) init { if( (self=[super init])) { [CCTexture2D setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat:kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444];// 1. self.spritesBatchNode = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:@"caterpillar.png"]; [self addChild:self.spritesBatchNode];// 2. [[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"caterpillar.plist"]; [CCTexture2D setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat:kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB565];// 3. CCSprite * background = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"background.png"]; background.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0); [self.spritesBatchNode addChild:background]; [CCTexture2D setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat:kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_Default]; } return self; } @end