Friday, June 13, 2014

How to set up Citrus-Engine develop setting on IntelliJ IDEA.

0. Requirements
Adobe Gaming SDK 1.3(Adobe AIR 3.9)
IntelliJ IDEA version 13.1.3
Citrus-Engine version 3.1.9 Citrus-Engine git hub
Citrus-Engine Example   Citrus-Engine-Examples git hub
1. Set up AIR SDK.
Choose AIR SDK directory in Gaming SDK

 2. Make New flash project. Pure Actionscript and sdk selected.
New Project Window

 3. Add Citrus-Engine/lib,Citrus-Engine Example/lib to Project Structure on Module.
Add Library to Dependencies

4. Copy Citrus-Engine-Examples embed directory structure to current project.
Copy games directory structures in my case. Because I will run flappybird source.

5. Copy all the content on src/game/flappybird/ to src/ Change package declarations.

6. Make App descriptor and Change render mode.
Make App Descriptor

Change RenderMode

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How to Install WordPress on your Windows Computer Using WAMP

0. Requirements
PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
MySQL version 5.0 or greater
1. install wampserver.
2. create test data base using phpmyadmin.(ex.wordpress_testdb)
3. Installing WordPress on Windows with WAMP.
Download a copy of WordPress from
Extract the zip file and copy the wordpress folder.
Go to C:\wamp\www and paste wordpress folder there.
You can rename the wordpress folder to anything you want for example mysite, wpbeginner, etc.
For the sake of this tutorial, we renamed our wordpress directory to mysite.
Now open a web browser and go to: http://localhost/mysite/
4. WordPress will inform you that it can not find a wp-config.php file.
5. Click on the Create a Configuration File button to create it.
6. On the next screen, you need to provide your database information. The database name will be the one that you selected. In our case, we called it test_db.
Please note that your default database username will be root and leave the password blank.
Click on the submit button and WordPress will create a configuration file for you.
7. After this you will see a screen informing you that WordPress has successfully created the configuration file, and you can proceed with the installation.
Click on Run Install button.
8. On the next screen, fill out the installation form. You need to provide a title for your website, choose an admin username and password, and provide admin email address.
Finally press the Install WordPress button.
9. WordPress will quickly run the installation and create database tables. Once done, you will see a success message after the installation.
You can then proceed to your WordPress by clicking on the Log in button.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Flash Book Examples

Just click to go to next page.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Flash Games Attached

How long santa goes to far

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Open Source iOS Games using cocos2d

To find working(?) open source is very difficult.
So, I tested every source. The following is the my result.
Updated 2014.02.06
Here is the List of Open Source Games using cocos2d
1. Castle Hassle: Physics based cocos2d Games and Compile Successfully on ios7.
2. Alphabet Blocks: Educational Letterbox Game for Kids based cocos2d.
3. Bubbsy: Tiled Levels and some fancy effect based cocos2d.
4. Clearis: Puzzle Game based cocos2d.
5. Climbers: 2D finger dragging climbing game created with cocos2D and compile successfully on ios7.
6. iLabyrinth: Puzzle game written in Cocos2D requiring you to navigate through increasingly difficult labyrinths.
7. SpaceBubble: Basic Shooting Game.
8. Skeleton Key: Puzzle game.
9. Tux Rider: iPhone port of the extremely popular, and beautiful 3D Tux Racer game.
10. TweeJump:Platform jumping game inspired by Icy Tower. Utilizes Cocos2D.

*Open Source not using cocos2d but excellent.
1.Canabalt: Traditional Run and Jump Game for iOS. But should supports open gl es 1.1.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tips:Start in Safe Boot mode | Mac OS X

1. Restart the Mac and Press and hold the Shift key immediately after you hear the startup tone.
2. Release the Shift key when the Apple logo appears. Safe Boot appears on the Mac OS X startup screen.

Tips:How to add other documentation in Xcode 5?

Here are the terminal commands to install the documentation manually
Example for the Sparrow Framework........
cd ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets
curl -O ""
xar -x -f "com.gamua.Sparrow-Framework-2.0.xar"
rm "com.gamua.Sparrow-Framework-2.0.xar"

Monday, February 3, 2014

Unity3d Web Player Test


Pixel Breakers is launching on AppStore

Welcome to world of block breakers!!!

This is my first GameMaker studio games.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Game Design Strategy

1. Designing Your Game(Useful Tools)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Next Project for My Game

현재 다음 작업을 위해서, 이것 저것 보고 있다. 
1. Basics: 일단 box2d나 chipmunk를 사용하는 physics engine을 기본으로 하기로 한다. 하지만 여기서 어떤 게임 엔진을 사용하느냐를 아직까지 결정하지 못했다. 

  1. cocos2d-iphone: cocos2d-iphone 프로젝트가 계속해서 지원이 되고 있다. 현재 chipmunk가 포팅이 되어서, 기본 물리 엔진으로 사용 되고 있다. 현재 gibhub에서 clone하여 사용가능한데, cocos2d version이 3.0이고, spritebuilder와 연동되게 되어있다. spritebuilder를 사용하는 경우 android까지 export가능 하지만, chipmunk 엔진을 사용해야 한다. spritebuilder의 경우 다른 spritesheet maker없이도 자동으로 만들어 주는 장점이 있지만, quality를 높이기 위해서는 좀 더 세심하게 예제들을 만들어 보아야 하는 단점이 있다. 
  2. cocos2d-x: multiplatform을 타겟으로 만들어진 후, cocostudio라는 도구가 윈도우 상에 있고, html지원 버젼이 따로 github에 존재 한다. 기본적인 생각은 cocos2d의 multiplatform을 타겟으로 한 프로젝트로 본다.
  3. unity3d: 3d 게임을 위한 최적의 엔진으로 보이며, 4.3버젼부터는 2d 저작도구들도 지원한다. 라이센스에 대한 문제를 해결해야 하는 걸로 보인다. 물리엔진으로는 farseer와 box2d가 포팅되어 사용되고 있다.
  4. Gamemaker studio: 현재 1.3버젼으로의 최종 테스트 버젼이 테스트 중이고, 2d 개발엔진 중 가장 접근이 쉬우나, quality가 떨어진다고 판단 된다. 물리엔진으로는 box2d를 사용하고 있다.